

PM Awas Yojna-Grameen, a flagship program of the Government of India, aims to provide affordable accommodation to rural households nationwide. It was launched on 1st April 2016, by the Ministry of Rural Development(MoRD), and implemented by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). The scheme aims to arrange pucca houses with basic facilities like kitchens, toilets, Bedrooms, etc for all rural households, especially homeless households and those living in kutcha and ruined houses. PMAY-G is more than just a housing scheme. It promises shelter, dignity, as well as a better tomorrow for millions of rural households with a vision of “Housing for All”.The scheme is putting an effort into transforming the lives of the poor in the villages by ensuring accessible as well as sustainable housing.

PW Awas Yojna-Grameen
OBJECTIVE OF PM Awas Yojna (Grameen):-

1. Providing accommodation: The main objective of PMAY-G is to give strong as well as rigid houses with basic facilities to rural residents who are either living in houses with poor conditions or are homeless.

2. Improving Livelihood opportunities: By giving housing, PMAY-G finally aims to enhance the quality of life for households in villages and generate livelihood improvement and thus contribute to rural development.

3. Fostering social involvement: PMAY-G is finally committed to encouraging social involvement by ensuring that houses are given to beneficiaries from backward communities, including Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and minorities.

4. Empowering women: PMAY-G prioritizes the allocation of houses to women, thereby empowering women and also ensuring safety and security for families.

5. Developing ecofriendly communities: The scheme also stresses to use of sustainable and ecofriendly building practices. Consequently, it encourages the development of environmentally conscious and flexible communities.

PW Awas Yojna-Grameen

1. Empowering women: The scheme prioritizes the allocation of houses in the name of women or joint ownership thereby empowering them economically and socially. It also promotes gender equality and social inclusion.
2. Economic growth: The scheme has sparked economic growth in rural areas by consequently creating demand for house-building materials and labor.
3. Improved Living Conditions: PM Awas Yojna(Grameen) has consequently upgraded the living conditions of rural Indians by sheltering them at a reasonable cost.
4. Infrastructure development: The scheme has stimulated Infrastructure development in rural areas, which leads to accessibility to basic facilities as well as better connectivity to nearby places.
5. Environmental Sustainability: The scheme encourages eco-friendly house-building practices, which ultimately contribute to environmental sustainability in Indian villages.
6. Health Benefits: Accommodation in upgraded housing has brought better health issues, and thereby reduced the risk of diseases associated with unhygienic living conditions.
7. Social Inclusion: By ensuring housing for marginalized communities like SCs, STs and minorities, PM Awas Yojna(Grameen) undoubtedly encourages social inclusion.

PW Awas Yojna-Grameen

1. Financial aid is provided as per the following criteria:
a)Plain areas- ₹ 1,20,000 per unit.
b) Hilly areas/difficult areas/IAP(Integrated Action Plan) districts (Himalayan states, Union territories of Jammu & Kashmir, North-Eastern states) – ₹1,30,000.00 per unit.

2. A willing person may claim an institutional loan of up to INR 70,000 at a 3% lower interest rate to construct a permanent house. The subsidy can be specifically asked for the maximum principal amount of INR 2,00,000.00.

3. The minimum size of the house shall be 25sq-m including an explicitly hygienic cooking place.
4. In combination with Swatch Bharat Mission- Grameen(SBM-G), the beneficiary receives financial support of up to INR 12000.00 straightaway for the construction of the toilet.
5. In combination with MGNREGA, the beneficiary is entitled to get recruited specifically as unskilled labor (Rural mason training) for 95 days at a rate of 90-95Rs per day.
6. In combination with Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, one LPG is provided to each household.
7. Combination with various government programs for hygienicwater supply, electricity connection, efficient and clean cooking fuel, treatment of social and liquid waste, etc is correspondingly provided.
8. Under this scheme, payments are made electronically directly to bank accounts or post office accounts that are especially linked to Aadhar.


Following are the steps to apply online for PMAY-G:-

1. Visit Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana’s official website ie. http://pmaymis.gov.in/.

2. In the menu bar click the “citizen assessment” tab and thereafter choose the category that matches your application type from “Slum dwellers” or “Benefit under other 3 components”.
3. After choosing the category from any of the two options, feed your 12-digit Aadhar number and your name as mentioned in your Aadhar card.
4. Once the Aadhar card number is fed, the PMAY website will redirect you to the scheme application page.
5. The Application page will ask for some personal details like your name, current address, and your bank account details. In the same section, you will be asked to enter Income details. Your income determines your eligibility to benefit from this scheme.
6. Review the application before clicking enter and submitting the application.
7. The application page will ask to confirm the information which you have provided. Once you confirm, click on the tab “I am aware of” at the bottom of the page. Click on the save option to save the details.
8. Once information is saved, the system generates the auto-generated application number, which will be required to check the application status in the future.
9. Download the application form and take a print of it.
10. Finally after all these, you must submit your PMAY application form at a CSC (common Service center) office near you. You may also submit this form to a financial/housing institution or any private or nationalized bank that offers this service. Necessary documents as mentioned in the form also have to be submitted. Keep a photocopy of the application form and documents for future reference.


Following are the steps to apply offline for PMAY-G:-

1. Visit a nearby housing finance company, or any nationalized or private bank that is identified by PMAY. Carry your income proof documents and credit scores along with you.

2. As per your choice, get the loan amount authorized from the lender.

3. After loan amount authorization from lender, you may download the PMAY scheme form or ask the lender to provide the form to you.

4. After getting loan approval, you can select the property/flat and register against your name under PMAY.

Important things to remember:-

  • The scheme is non chargeable for eligible candidates. There is no any fees or hidden charges.
  • For any query or help , a person may visit designated bank officials or local Gram Panchayat.
  • You may track the status of your application throught designated Government portals.


  1. Identification of Beneficiaries: Approaching all eligible beneficiaries in rural areas is a difficult task.

Awareness creation: Initiate awareness programs to ensure everyone knows about the scheme.

  1. Wrong and fake application: It is difficult to ensure that the application is genuine. Deciding to give the aid to the right beneficiary is also a challenging job.

Through & Strict verification process: Formulate a strict and in-depth verification process to identify the right beneficiary.

  1. Land Ownership Issue: Ambiguity in clear land ownership creates hurdles in building houses.

Land ownership assistance: The government should help beneficiaries to obtain clear land ownership to avoid construction bottlenecks.

  1. Completion on time: Postponement in approval and fund allocation delays in project execution.

Simplify the process: Streamline the procedures and approvals to speed up Project completion.


The PM Awas Yojna–Grameen is not only a housing scheme but a promise by the Government to uplift the living standard of rural India. Through this scheme the  Government consequently wants its citizens to spend a dignified life. The scheme has taken care of the health and hygiene of households and also created job opportunities and empowered women. Though there are hurdles in its way like identification of beneficiaries, Fake applications, Land ownership, etc. The use of technology and Government commitments are correspondingly helping in fighting these challenges. The PMAY-G is hope, progress and dignity for rural India. We all together needs to work with Government agencies to make the scheme a success and bring a positive change in Rural India.

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